Law is an intellectually challenging and rewarding subject. I think there are three reasons for choosing to study Law at Cambridge.
Breadth of the Law degree
First, the study of law is of broad interest and application. Cambridge students are not just taught what the law is, but are asked to consider what it should be and why the law says what it does.
I have had to address questions of policy, drawing on ideas from economics, history, philosophy, politics and psychology. Combined with the chance to specialise in later years, this intellectual breadth has meant studying Law at Cambridge has been highly stimulating.
Wide range of skills
Second, Law students acquire and develop a wide range of skills. In discussing the law, both in their written work and with world-leading academics in supervisions, students learn how to express themselves concisely, clearly and persuasively.
Effective preparation requires students to learn how to engage with and assimilate the astonishing variety of primary and secondary legal materials that Cambridge makes available to students.
I also have had to learn how to be flexible in my thinking, in order to see both sides of a legal question, and to cope with sudden and rapid changes in the law.
Far-reaching career options
Third, a Law degree allows the holder to flourish in a variety of fields. Cambridge Law students not only get to spend three years at a world-renowned Law school developing the sort of skills that are highly valued in the legal profession; they do not have to complete the one-year Law conversion course that non-Law graduates have to do after university in order to practise as a lawyer.
That said, legal careers are not the only ones open to Cambridge Law graduates; the skills they develop mean they are eminently qualified to pursue careers in government, finance, management, international relations, and humanitarian work.
Tom, 3rd year Law student