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Cambridge law students have the opportunity to spend a year studying abroad at one of our partner institutions in Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, New Zealand, and Singapore. The year abroad takes place after you complete the first two years of the course. You would then return to Cambridge to complete Part II of the course as a fourth year.

Our partner institutions are:

  • The University of Regensburg, Germany
  • Utrecht University, the Netherlands
  • The University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • The National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain

Applicants apply to study abroad at the beginning of their second year. The Faculty places high value on academic ability as part of the selection process. In addition, exchange students need to be competent in the relevant language (unless the intention is to study in Auckland, Utrecht, or Singapore, where classes are taught in English). During the interview process for the scheme, students who wish to undertake a year abroad in Germany or Spain, will undertake a language test.

If you choose to pursue a year abroad, you will complete your first two years of study at Cambridge as normal, go abroad for your third year, then return to Cambridge to complete a fourth and final year. Because this option will require four years to complete, it will be important for you to confirm that you have the necessary funding and accommodation available for all four years.

Exchange schemes open the door to an exciting and enriching experience: imagine living in a foreign land for a year, getting an insight not only into a different legal system, but also a different culture. Many employers now look favourably upon this sort of experience and the skills that you undoubtedly gain from it.

You may be eligible for financial support for your Year Abroad, if there is financial need and such support is available through a Turing Scheme grant. This is subject to funding being awarded to the University by the Department for Education. Funding is awarded on an annual basis. Eligibility may change depending on the level of funding awarded each year.

If you have queries regarding the Undergraduate Exchange Scheme, please contact